Tutorial on “How to FARM” yRise + other DeFi tokens

Yrise Finance
3 min readOct 22, 2020


Dear yRisers,

Here is a simple step-by-step tutorial on “How to FARM” yRise tokens (and other DeFi tokens) into the Farming Pool for those who are still new to the Farming World of Decentralized Finance. Let’s get started.

“How to Farm” Guide: yRise tokens + other DeFi tokens


  • A Web Browser ( Google Chrome / Firefox )
  • Metamask Browser Extension Wallet.
  • $yRise tokens and equivalent amount in Ethereum (ETH), + GAS FEE for ETH.
  • Important: ensure that your $yRise Tokens are from this contract address:
    (Contract address 0x6051c1354ccc51b4d561e43b02735deae64768b8)
  • Uni-V2 yRise Token that you can verify here;

Step-by-Step How FARM $yRise

  1. First you need to have a UNI-V2 yRise Token, that you can obtain through:
    - Purchasing yRise on Uniswap
    - Having an ETH equivalent with the value of yRise
  2. Now, you need to lock Liquidity Pool (LP) to be able to receive UNI-V2 yRise:
    - go visit LP Uniswap here https://app.uniswap.org/#/add/0x6051c1354ccc51b4d561e43b02735deae64768b8/ETH
uniswap add liquidity pool web page

3. Input the amount of yRise tokens you want to farm as seen in the picture above, and the equivalent amount in ETH, and just confirm “Approve” and then “Supply”. Follow the instructions on Metamask wallet — web screen for confirmation, straight press “Supply” button if you don’t see approve button.

Approve yRise & then Click Supply

4. After finishing the above steps, your wallet will be able to receive UNI-V2.
Now go visit our farming platform by visiting the link here :
https://yrise.site/farming/ or https://yrise.site/farming/ — Connect your Wallet. Click “Select”

5. You will see the screen as show below, just click “Max” and then click the next button which is “Approve”

6. You will see the screen as the one shown below, then when Metamask wallet pops up , just simply click “Confirm”. After confirmation is done, refresh browser.

7. You will see the screen like the one shown below, Click on “Stake” button next to the Max button, and then press confirm.

8. Once you can see your stake UNI-V2, it means that you have completed the farming process.

10. Repeat the steps above if you want to farm in other Farming Pools (e.g. YFI-ETH, YFII-ETH, Seal-ETH).

Congratulations for completing the above steps and happy yield farming!



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